Monday, December 6, 2010

Response to Der Baader Meinhof Komplex

I thought this movie was very entertaining and showed us a dark historical time in Germany.  It was interesting to see how a group rebelling with violence and protests could become so popular.  The RAF group started out with only a few people leading the violence and led to over 7 million people supporting them in some way.  I was shocked to see how the protesting kept building up in intensity and how the govenment tried to deal with it.  In the movie the group started out small and was growing fast, but once the first members of the group got arrested other generations of the RAF started to take over.  The second generation members were even more violent than the first, and they did this all to try and show the German Government that things needed to change.  They realized they needed to act with violence because protests were not getting their point across.  The beginning of the movie was very confusing to me because the only knowledge I had of the movie was that it was about a terrorist group.  When the police officers started to beat the protestors with sticks, it didn't make much sense to me because the protestors were not being violent in any way.

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