Monday, December 6, 2010

Research of the RAF

CAUSES: The RAF believed that Germany's lawmakers were continuing authoritarian policies and was seen as a continuation of the indoctrination the Nazis had pioneered in society. The Federal Republic was exporting arms to African dictatorships, which was seen as supporting the war in southeast Asia.

The first generation involved the student movement of 1968.
The second generation involved radicals such as Ulrike Meinhof and Andreas Baader.
The third generation was a group of young people who felt they could show their radical beliefs by commiting terrorist actions.

The last big action by the RAF took place on June 27, 1993, and a internal secret service agent infiltrated the group and arrested the leaders.


I believe the attacks by the RAF were not as severe as modern terrorists attacks, but the RAF targeted Germans, and todays terrorists target other countries.  Todays terrorists do not want their governments to change but they just want to target the worlds most powerful countries.

Response to Der Baader Meinhof Komplex

I thought this movie was very entertaining and showed us a dark historical time in Germany.  It was interesting to see how a group rebelling with violence and protests could become so popular.  The RAF group started out with only a few people leading the violence and led to over 7 million people supporting them in some way.  I was shocked to see how the protesting kept building up in intensity and how the govenment tried to deal with it.  In the movie the group started out small and was growing fast, but once the first members of the group got arrested other generations of the RAF started to take over.  The second generation members were even more violent than the first, and they did this all to try and show the German Government that things needed to change.  They realized they needed to act with violence because protests were not getting their point across.  The beginning of the movie was very confusing to me because the only knowledge I had of the movie was that it was about a terrorist group.  When the police officers started to beat the protestors with sticks, it didn't make much sense to me because the protestors were not being violent in any way.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century

1.  Germany gains more trading partners as more countries join the EU.

2.  Continues to eliminate high tax tariffs between countries.

3.  Germany will have a domestic market or more than 500 million people.

4.  As the EU gets larger Germany benefits more because it is the leading economic power.

5.  Will continue to show the world that Germany is no longer a threat to any peaceful nations.

6.  The Euro keeps European currenct strong.

7.  Many people are looking for jobs in Germany.

8. Germany's output will continue to rise as more workers find jobs in Germany.

18th Century German Rulers and Government

Presentation can be found here.

18th Century German Literature

Presentation can be found here.